Materials may be renewed as long as no one else has requested them.
All materials may be renewed up to 2 more times, as long as there are no hold requests waiting on that item. Books, Audiobooks, and CDs renew for an additional 3 weeks. DVDs renew for 1 week. IPads and maker kits do not renew. Please contact the library about renewal options for Interlibrary Loan items.
To renew your materials, call the library OR you can renew Online....
- Click the Search the Catalog link (above).
- Click on Log In icon in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
- Enter your 14 digit library card number and password. Your password is your last name.
- Once you are logged in, you will see your active loans arranged by due date. You can access other aspects of your account using the menu on the left side of the page.
- To renew an item, click the check box and then click Renew All or Renew Selected.
- If your renew was successful, your new due date will be displayed and the item will move to the bottom of the list.